Sunday, March 21, 2010
One of my all time favorite movies has to be BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!
We know what happened to most of the actors...but one of the most memorables ones...
Thomas Wilson...who played BIFF.. well he is a little tired of the fan questions hehe...
Tha man does Stand-Up comedy and here's his "Question Song" -- Brings a smile to your face and a in I wonder why he hasnt done more?!?
We know what happened to most of the actors...but one of the most memorables ones...
Thomas Wilson...who played BIFF.. well he is a little tired of the fan questions hehe...
Tha man does Stand-Up comedy and here's his "Question Song" -- Brings a smile to your face and a in I wonder why he hasnt done more?!?
Tom Wilson who played BIFF in the BACK TO THE FUTURE movies really gets the most out of
his role!!!