Well at least Conan O'Brien is on Twitter....now 11:35pm on NBC is awful (yes ratings are up but only b/c he doesn't have himself as a lead-in!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I enjoyed Carson but something REALLY peaked my interest about Letterman..I liked
the risk takers and he seemed like one -- I really enjoyed his replacement..Conan did
things and didn't care -- He took risks and nobody not even Carson or Leno always succeeded
with ALL THEIR JOKES. I think Conana will be fine...He'll get a new show..maybe on FOX and he's sposedly going on a ROAD COMEDY TOUR...

Well here's a new place to enjoy COCO..until he learns what BUZZ is...
So Conan - We'll see ya on BUZZ maybe in 2014!
I had a show. Then I had a different show. Now I have a Twitter account.

Looks like Coco will be on FOX next year too...

How is Conan doing in his new slot -- do you watch him or would rather
watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report?
Letterman, Leno (!), Kimmel, Other . . .

Female Ejector Bag -- Funny for a moment:)

Well we all seem to laugh when people slip on a banana peel...
Is this hilarious, scary or just weird....

Let me know...
Female BEAN BAG EJECTION at a Party

Female BEAN BAG EJECTION at a Party - Watch more great videos

Biff from Back to the Future keeps getting all these questions!

One of my all time favorite movies has to be BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!

We know what happened to most of the actors...but one of the most memorables ones...
Thomas Wilson...who played BIFF.. well he is a little tired of the fan questions hehe...

Tha man does Stand-Up comedy and here's his "Question Song" -- Brings a smile to your face and a wonder..as in I wonder why he hasnt done more?!?

Tom Wilson who played BIFF in the BACK TO THE FUTURE movies really gets the most out of
his role!!!

Breaking Bad is Breaking Back...In..on TV I mean..

I always wanted to watch 'Breaking Bad' but never got to it - saw a few episodes...
Now I'm watching the 'Best of' marathon and am glad I did ..

Awesome story and acting - intense and every episode is show like a mini Indie Film!
Anyone else watch this show and love it too?

UPDATE -- I caught up and LOVE IT! Can't wait for Season 4 ...July can't come soon enough!!
WALT and JESSE are in big, big trouble (lol so what else is new?)

LEAVE ME A MESSAGE or nyactorm11@gmail.com